Trinity Congregational Church is a church with a long rich history in Alpine Township. Our history as a church goes back to 1856 when the First Baptist Church of Alpine and Walker was formed and to 1869 when the First Congregational Church of Alpine and Walker was formed. These two churches met separately until 1901. Then on July 4, 1901 they formally merged with one another and became Trinity Congregational Church.
Through the years Trinity has gone through many changes and challenges. The Palm Sunday tornadoes of 1965 destroyed the sanctuary of the church but by Easter Sunday of 1967 the sanctuary of Trinity was ready to welcome worshippers once again.
On May 20, 2008, Trinity voted as a congregation to dissolve their fellowship with the United Church of Christ and then voted to join the National Association of Congregational Churches.
On May, 2018 Trinity voted as a congregation to dissolve their fellowship with the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches and then voted to become an independent church.
On May 17, 2020 Trinity Congregational Church voted to join the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.
Today Trinity Congregational Church is a church rooted in discipleship-making, fellowship of the saints, faithful stewardship of God’s blessings, Spirit filled worship, and serving one another in the name of Jesus Christ.
We at Trinity believe in the inspired and infallible word of God, the communion of saints, and the baptism of those confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.