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Stick Figures and Asking for Help

Someone once said you are only as strong as your weakest link.

Taking that thought to another level. What if we are only as strong as our greatest weakness?

It's so easy to be praised in our strength. All of us have something we are good at. We all have something that people admire in us. But what if you were praised in your weaknesses?

When I was in elementary school, I had the grouchiest Art teacher. She had a very foul disposition and I'm not sure she like kids all that much. But of all the kids that came through her classroom in a week, I don't think any kid raised her blood pressure as much as I did.

You have to understand one thing about me, I have no artistic abilities. I can't draw. I can't paint. I can't sing. I can't play an instrument. I love the arts as much if not more than most, but I learned very early on my limitations. Unfortunately my art teacher didn't understand my limitations and what she deemed as a lazy, careless student, was actually a student that no matter how hard I tried would struggle to draw stick figures.

I on more than one occasion was chewed out in front of the entire art class for not even trying and no matter how hard I tried to tell her, I just can't do the work. It just came across as just one more kid making an excuse for not even trying.

As a pastor, (as with any profession), we have limitations. I am always looking for someone to lead singing. I am always looking for those teachers who are good at arts and crafts.

But looking for people who are capable of doing what we can not do, does that make us stronger or weaker?

There will always be people who question whether or not we are doing nothing more than trying to get out doing something they believe we don't like doing. But isn't it better to make sure a job is well done instead of having a job poorly done because we don't have the talents to perform it?

We are only as strong as we are able to ask for help to do what is beyond our capabilities.

It's kind of like Jesus dying on the cross. Jesus knows we cannot save ourselves, so He sent His son to save us. He knows our sin limits us. So He sent us help.

I am only as strong as I am willing to let Christ do what I cannot do and on more than one occasion I have been praised for doing what I know I can't do because of what Christ is doing in me and through me.

Will you let Christ be strong in your weakness?

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