I am who I am today because of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. More times than I can count my sin should have consumed my life. I have no claims to any great works that I have done. If there is any good in me or my works have inspired others, I can take no credit. For the only thing good in me and through me is the working of the Holy Spirit.
All I can offer to anyone are the directions to the one who has shown me more grace and mercy than I ever deserve, Jesus Christ and the promise that He can offer you the same grace and mercy.
The more I live, the more I trust God and the less I trust my own understanding.
God has blessed me with 3 wonderful children and a beautiful wife. Our house is run by a cat who lets us board with him.
My ministry journey has brought me to North Manchester, Indiana; Warsaw, Indiana; Richmond, Indiana; South Bend, Indiana; Marion, Indiana; Wendell, North Carolina; Raleigh, North Carolina; Greensboro, North Carolina; Haiti; Vermontville, Michigan; and now Grand Rapids, Michigan with some short stops along the way.
It is a real joy to be here at Trinity and I know God has great things in store for us, as we travel this road with Him.