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DIY Christianity

My favorite part of church is singing. I love singing. I love worshiping.

I love the hymns. I love the contemporary music. I love the praise songs. I love the prayer songs. But my favorite music for worship right now are the old hymns that they have taken and modernized.

Chris Tomlin...Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Colton Dixon's...Jesus Paid It All

Newsong...How Great Thou Art

Rend Collective...Be Thou My Vision

And of course the list could go on forever.

But I think what I like most is that they have taken these beautifully written hymns that speak of our faith, dusted them off and given them new life.

We live in a disposable society (even in our Christianity). We throw away the old and bring in something new. But the problem is that the old is not broken. The old does not need to be thrown out. It only needs to be refurbished.

The same can and needs to be said about our standards and beliefs as Christians.

Our standards and beliefs should not change. We are who we are and we should never apologize for our standards and beliefs, but maybe we need to repackage our beliefs in a way that connects and fits our world today.

Our world still needs to be held to the standards that Jesus has set for us but we need to be asking ourselves how do we tell the world what they need to hear in a way that is fresh and new?

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